Did you know that you can get a grant from your local council for your new shop front?
Most county councils are now offering up to 75% off the full cost of a new shop front when you apply for a shop front improvement scheme grant. This is all part of country wide street improvement schemes which aim to increase the attractiveness of streets and improve business.

The Kitchen Whisk
Laurel Bank Joinery Shop Fronts has extensive experience helping clients avail of this option. Many of our clients were not aware of it’s availability prior to us informing them.
Contact us today for a quote and find out how we can help secure your grant which can include mockup images of the final work and detailed material breakdowns as required by the council.
Phone: 087 2139519 / 042 9669998 email: info@laurelbankjoinery.ie

Traditional Shop Front
Local councils are continuously adding and updating their grant information and forms. Below is a list of links to some of the local council websites where grant information and forms can be found. If there are no shop front grant forms available, be sure to contact the council directly as they may be available but just not uploaded to their sites yet. Closing dates for application are also often extended due to lack of applications.
Click on the following links relating to your area:
Dublin City: Shop Front Improvement Scheme 2020
Dublin Corporation: Information for the Liberties area
South Dublin County Council: South Dublin County Council Shop Front Grants
Kildare County Council: Kildare Shopfront Improvement Scheme Grants
Fingal County Council: Fingal Shop Front Improvement Scheme
DĂșn Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council: DLR Shop Front Improvement Scheme
Louth County Council: Shopfront Improvement Grant Scheme Application form
Louth More info: Louth Business Incentives
Meath County Council: Meath Shop Front Improvement Scheme
Wicklow County Council: Wicklow Business Supports
This is not an exhaustive list, and many towns are promoting the grant schemes themselves. Check with your local authority for more information.